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The National Cyber Security Centre Has Launched

October saw the launch of the new National Cyber Security Centre and it's website The aim of the NCSC is to bring together all of the key cyber security organisations under one umbrella to act as a bridge between industry and government providing a unified source of advice, guidance and support on all cyber security matters, including incident management. 

The main purpose of the NCSC is to reduce the cyber security risk to the UK by working with companies, organisations and individuals to provide authoritative and coherent cyber security advice. The NCSC has access to some of the most sophisticated technologies available to government and  is staffed by people with a wide range of talents and expertise.

The NCSC was established under the 2015 National Security Strategy which recognised the cyber threat as one of the most significant risks to UK interests and is key to delivering the aims of the governments 2016-2021 National Cyber Security Strategy

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